Introducing Dehack

· Thiago Monteiro

Dehack is a web3 daily coding challenge platform that works inside of the IDE.

Dehack #

Dehack logo

Dehack is an experiment with web3 technologies and aims to discover how difficult it is to build something with decentralized technology. (It is very difficult and I'm going to explore this soon.)

Dehack is a daily coding challenge platform that works inside of your IDE, so you can solve the challenges without going to any website. It has the advantage that by coding on your IDE you can use IntelliSense and all the plugins that you are used to.

Every day at 3pm GMT, a new coding challenge will be available, and you have 24 hours to complete it. If you solve it in the available time, the platform will airdrop you a non-transferable NFT, also known as a soulbound NFT. This NFT contains a nice pixel art illustration and metadata related to the challenge that you completed. The NFT is your scoreboard and will show the code performance, how much time you took to complete it, the language used, etc.

If you don't solve the coding challenge within the available time window, well, there's nothing to do besides trying to solve the next challenge.

Dehack is like a game.

It can be a fun and engaging way for developers to improve their skills. The competitive aspect of the platform can also motivate people to learn new things. The challenges should be about web3 development, but don't be surprised if some are not.

Not everything on Dehack is decentralized, but the user data is. We don't store anything about the user and all the statistics are on chain, attached to the NFT that is sent to user's wallet.

As previously mentioned, the NFTs are non-transferable. This means that although you can see them in places like OpenSea, you can't sell or transfer them. They are a status associated with your actions on Dehack.

We are going to first launch Dehack as a VSCode extension, and we will expand to other IDEs or as a web IDE if people want.

If you'd like to be the first to test Dehack, follow me on Twitter or join the waiting list on

Thank you, Thiago